
REVIEW Watsons Glutathione Gummies Price Where to Buy! Is it a Skin Whitener or An Immune Booster?

Watsons Glutathione Gummies with Collagen and Camu Camu first caught my eye in an aisle at the store because I was looking for flavored lozenges. I hate taking tablets and capsules so I figured to give this a try and see if they taste good plus if they truly work as an antioxidant and as a health supplement for skin whitening. After all, that's what glutathione supplements are known for, right?

Watsons Glutathione Gummies Review Price Where to Buy 

Watsons Glutathione Gummies Review Price Where to Buy

Are Glutathione Gummies Effective for Skin Whitening or Just for Immune Boosting?

Just to be clear, this is not the same product as Watson's Glutathione plus Collagen which comes in a capsule form. Watsons Glutathione Gummies is a glutathione supplement in chewable gummy or jelly form. It comes in two variants, for children and for adults if I am not mistaken but I just bought the one for adults for less than P900 or around $18. The price can be a lot lower when this is on sale.

What is Glutathione and Why Take Glutathione Supplements?

Glutathione is a well-known antioxidant that is produced in our body's cells from a combination of cysteine, glycine, and glutamine plus other ingredients in our body. Yes, it is all-natural. The reason why people take glutathione supplements is that glutathione levels decline as we age; more so when we are stressed, exposed to environmental toxins, as well as have poor nutrition. 

As a natural substance, glutathione supplements are often given to individuals who might benefit from its effects. It can be given topically, orally, as an inhalant, and intravenously. Most glutathione supplements in the market are in oral preparations, often in tablet or capsule form although drinks and even gummies are also becoming popular lately.

Glutathione Benefits for Health and Beauty

Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress in our bodies. All our bodies are like machines that need a little help with some functions as we age or when we are injured. Some health and beauty benefits of glutathione include:
  • possible reduction of symptoms related to respiratory diseases
  • minimize the impact of uncontrolled diabetes
  • address oxidative stress and its management by the body (signs of aging)
  • prevent autoimmune diseases
  • improves the management of insulin resistance in adults
  • reduce cell damage for those who have alcoholism and damaged liver
  • possible skin lightening or skin whitening
I'm sorry I went a bit nerdy there but as you can see, even healthy individuals or those with managed conditions can benefit a lot from taking glutathione supplements. Since the Watsons Glutathione Gummies come with Collagen and Camu-Camu, just imagine how good the skincare benefits too. After all, when someone is healthy overall, it is most visible when you look at the skin because the skin is the largest organ in the human body!

Watsons Glutathione Gummies Review Price Where to Buy

Health Supplements from Watsons

This supplement is marketed as an easy to chew gummy with passion fruit flavor. 
WARNING: tastes like candy and quite addictive! This is also made in ISO and HACCP Certified factory in Taiwan 

Are Glutathione Gummies Effective for Skin Whitening or Just for Immune Boosting?

Nutrition Facts  and Watsons Glutathione Gummies Ingredients

Glutathione; Collagen; Vitamin E; Sodium Ascorbate; Camu Camu Powder Juice; Passion Fruit Powder Juice. ALL GOOD STUFF!

Are Glutathione Gummies Effective for Skin Whitening or Just for Immune Boosting?

How to Take Watsons Glutathione Gummies with Collagen and Camu Camu?

You simply eat or enjoy 2 pieces a day taken in the morning and evening. If you happen to eat a lot more, it is fine because you cannot overdose anyway but it's gonna be expensive, hahaha!

Are Glutathione Gummies Effective for Skin Whitening or Just for Immune Boosting?

Packaging is a clear bottle so I am somewhat dubious if this can alter or damage the supplement inside since exposure to light is bad for most supplements. The bottle comes with a moisture-absorbent pack and quite a bit of sugar because the gummies are rolled in sugar. 

Watsons Vitamin Gummies Andie Yey PinaybeautyandStyle

Size is pea-sized, a large pea
 The shape is like a bonbon
Taste is just like passion fruit candy

Watsons Glutathione Gummies with collagen and Camu camu Review Price Where to Buy

Watsons Glutathione Gummies with Collagen and Camu Camu Review Summary
Is it a Skin Whitener or An Immune Booster?

The glutathione amount in this supplement is not significant enough to produce a visible skin whitening effect so I won't classify this as a skin whitener. I personally think that this is a cute and enjoyable immune booster when taken with other supplements like Vitamins C and E. Looking at the labels, the amount of actual vitamins is quite low but if you are looking for gummies as supplements because you have an aversion to tablets and capsules, then this would at least give you that benefit. 

This is just 3.5/5 for me but this is delicious. It's like healthy candy!

Watsons Vitamin Gummies Andie Yey PinaybeautyandStyle

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