
Lazada Women Festival Guesting PinayBeautyAndStyle X The Face Shop + Lazada Sale Promos!

Lazada Sale promos are part of the highlight of my past summers. I never thought that I'd be a part of it someday through their Lazada Women's Festival! So, okay, the thing is, a few brands have asked me to be a part of their FB and Lazada Live over the past 8-10 months but I always decline because I feel that I am too old, too ugly, too fat, and too much of a 'no one'...until The Face Shop asked.

Lazada Women Festival  Guesting The Face Shop X PinayBeautyAndStyle

Plus Lazada Sale Promos


Why The Face Shop? Lazada Sale Promo

Well, first because I like their brand (like hello, been using their products since before blogging days!), second is because I know they won't talk about nonsense coz that's not part of their branding (they're not into the daanin sa pa-cute thing that's going rampant these days), and third, I felt that the best way to debut into beauty blogging guesting is for something women empowerment. Sakto the overall theme of Lazada Women's Festival is all about women empowerment, not just peddling Lazada Sale promos!

Truth be told, I thought I was going to be a minor guest because there was no script (yes, most videos you see for events like this are scripted, surprise!). I thought it was just going to be about The Face Shop Jeju Aloe Ice which I reviewed about a week ago. I only saw the poster at the event!

Well, they picked my cute photo but I thought it was just going to be like 5 mins and it's done, haha! I was so wrong! We went for a full hour and only had to stop because time was up!

I was still blissfully unaware at my backstage photo above. I thought I'd just say hi, I use blah blah and bye, haha!

The host from The Face Shop (Ms. Karen) was really great and made me feel at ease with her warm demeanor. Believe it or not, I only met her like 10 minutes before we went on camera. NO KIDDING I felt like I was talking to a good friend. 

I did see the cue cards with the segment's sequence a few minutes prior to going live but we kind of just winged it on stage. My fault, because I arrived late so didn't have time to familiarize with the sequence. Nevertheless, I think we did even better than what was outlined!

By the way, the Lazada live staff are so professional. I was nerding out a bit backstage coz I missed hosting days about 10 years ago. I like how the behind the scene was just chill (I think that helped a lot too, I didn't feel nervous at all). 

Oh, and no over promotion happened despite the Lazada Sale promos that we could have mentioned. You know how some brands just push people to buy? We were really talking about skincare. Even got a bit technical. 

We really went deep into the Korean Skincare Routine so you better watch the full video below!

CLICK PLAY TO WATCH VIDEO (begins at 4:00)
CLICK PLAY TO WATCH VIDEO (begins at 4:00)

At one time, we had 4000 live viewers. Note that this was on a Saturday at 6pm. That's huge. To date, the FB live video now has over 13K views. I guess people do appreciate real content, huh!

As for Lazada Women's Festival Sale promos, don't be sad if you missed them. The Face Shop offered the Jeju Aloe Ice and Aloe Gel for B1T1 online as part of the Lazada Sale promos for May 17-19 but they are also in promo at The Face Shop physical stores until the end of the month. I'll blog about what I bought at The Face Shop Eastwood mall next to this. I got lots of cushions because the refills are free. Basta, check out the next blog!


What I learned:
- Sometimes you just got to let things flow their own way. Impromptu talk turned out super well!
- Don't be afraid to try new things. You won't know what you can do unless you try.
- You can empower women and men by sharing what you know.
- Masaya pala magguesting! I really should have began accepting offers months ago!

Special thanks to Myrikaness! I didn't have someone with me so the only photos I have were taken by her. I was sad but then I saw she had an IG Story wherein I was tagged so I thanked her and she told me she got photos! I am so grateful!

Maybe I should accept more guestings? Totally up for it now as long as I can fit on my schedule!

Let's stay connected!

Email Me: pinaybeautyandstylelover @